The Collapse of Modern Civilization | Richard Grannon

"The Collapse of Modern Civilization" by Richard Grannon argues modern society has lost its way due to consumer capitalism and technological advancements.

Some intriguing ideas in this video. Let me know what you disagree or agree with.

"We should love people and use things
but now we love things and we use people."
- Richard Grannon


"The Collapse of Modern Civilization" by Richard Grannon argues modern society has lost its way due to consumer capitalism and technological advancements.

I wholeheartedly agree. Greed may have driven humanity out of the savannah, but it will also send humanity to its grave.

While Grannon isn't directly examining collapse in terms of Earth's carrying capacity, he uncovers why humanity is blindly walking toward its own destruction.

Key sections:

  • Grannon discusses the development of a culture of greed in humans, viewing it as an evolutionary trait exploited by consumer capitalism, leading to excessive consumption and altered relationships with people and things.
  • Critiques the modern societal norm of loving things and using people, highlighting the negative impact on human interactions.
  • Examines the role of technological advancements, from Neanderthals' basic tools to modern smartphones, emphasizing the growing dependence on technology and its effects on happiness and mental health.
  • Questions whether the variety of choices and lifestyles offered by modern civilization actually contribute to human misery.
  • Reflects on humanity's evolutionary history, suggesting the idea of rolling back technology and civilization to better align with evolutionary needs, while recognizing the complexity and potential consequences of such actions.