How to Collapse: Hyperinflationary Depression
How crop failure leading to a 20% caloric deficit might cause a financial crisis.
How crop failure leading to a 20% caloric deficit might cause a financial crisis.
EROEI (Energy Return on Energy Invested) is possibly the most important ratio to modern human existence. This measure is foundational to our civilization, yet understood by few.
This is all fleeting. So stop wasting your life.
Climate Change
Every disaster movie starts with the government ignoring a scientist
I'm afraid the best we can hope for now is to delay the inevitable and mitigate the consequences.
Let's collectively wind down what we all know is a waste of our lives. After all, 10 years of real living beats 30 years of pointless monotony.
Documentaries explaining peak oil production and humanity's energy crisis.
nuclear war
If used offensively, nukes in space could immediately send civilization back one hundred years. No warning. No preparation. Nothing.
Why I started Collapse 2050
Climate Change
Leaders don't understand how global warming will devastate economy, explaining failure to mitigate.
“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” ― Viktor E. Frankl
The distrust, wealth inequality and chaos created by the rise of AI compounds the current poly-crisis, hastening the march to fascism, war and civilizational collapse.