Our Violent Future
Neighbors, friends, family will turn on you
Neighbors, friends, family will turn on you
"A harsh penalty indeed for the mundane crime of burning fossil energy"
What does "collapse" mean? What will the downfall of civilization look like? What am I suggesting people do? What if I'm wrong?
Climate Change
Mother Nature's revenge: Over the last month alone, all corners of the world were hit by major floods. While this is anecdotal, does it not feel like we're witnessing a new natural disaster each day?
How crop failure leading to a 20% caloric deficit might cause a financial crisis.
Think CO2 Concentration at 0.04% is Low and Therefore Doesn't Impact Us?
EROEI (Energy Return on Energy Invested) is possibly the most important ratio to modern human existence. This measure is foundational to our civilization, yet understood by few.
Climate Change
Every disaster movie starts with the government ignoring a scientist
I'm afraid the best we can hope for now is to delay the inevitable and mitigate the consequences.
Let's collectively wind down what we all know is a waste of our lives. After all, 10 years of real living beats 30 years of pointless monotony.
Climate Change
Leaders don't understand how global warming will devastate economy, explaining failure to mitigate.
“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” ― Viktor E. Frankl