It's not Me, It's You
Collapse-awareness: an incurable case of existential dread
I'm incurable.
I've been to psychologists and while the venting seems to help, nothing really cures me from my constant dread. I'm not a mental health expert, but I believe psychologists are simply not equipped to deal with existential anxiety.
Worried about nothing in general? Cognitive behavioural therapy can help.
Suffer from stage fright? There's a pill for that.
Crippled by depression? It could be caused by an chemical imbalance in your brain.
Under normal circumstances, psychologists have methods for dealing with these issues. They are temporary or internal - caused by one's own brain. I.e. a "me" problem.
But what if the source of my dread is permanent and external. In other words, my brain is not the problem. My brain is simply observing facts. How do you cure reality?
Whether you're toiling in a concentration camp, trapped in the sunken Kursk submarine, or simply observing the burning world, there is no cure for reality. Most mainstream psychologists aren't equipped or experienced enough to deal with these things. Also, many collapse-aware don't know how to broach the subject.
The best most professionals can do is listen and prescribe a mind-numbing agent. (I still can't decide whether anti-anxiety meds are a good or bad thing to use in this situation.)
However, there is a branch of psychology dedicated to those in hospice. This is the closest the profession comes to being capable of dealing with collapse-awareness. If you're experiencing existential dread, I believe a professional must attack the anxiety from this angle.
The collapse-aware have unique needs from psychologists. They don't need someone to tell them "it's going to be alright". So what do we need?
For some, that's what religion is for. Religion makes death and the unknown palatable. It also gives the illusion that something is in control and that this chaos is by design. I understand the appeal.
Realistically, most collapse-aware are evidence based thinkers and won't accept religion. At least not in the traditional sense.
If you happen to find the right collapse-aware psychologist, here's what they should provide:
- Validate and normalize your feelings
- Encourage you to talk and explore fears
- Create relaxation techniques
- Help you create meaning from your life, however long it may be
- Find acceptance and peace with the inevitable
- Identify areas of personal control
Good luck finding one though. It takes extra effort, and sometimes you must cycle through a few to find the someone suitable. As many of you know, there are many psychologists (and people in general) who still believe this doomsday shit is overblown.
Moreover, not everyone has the funds, ability or inclination to find and work with with a psychologist. So below I've provided a few resources to help manage through the fear of collapse.
Here is a directory (not sure how updated it is) of collapse-aware psychologists.
Good Grief Network (as mentioned in first video).