24 Hours of Liquid Death

Floods from the past day alone

24 Hours of Liquid Death
Photo by Chris Gallagher / Unsplash

These videos are from the past 24 hours. One day of unimaginable destruction around the planet...unimaginable, until it happens to you.

To the doubters, I get it - floods happen. But highly damaging floods are happening more frequently. We've barely kissed 1.5 degrees and destruction is noticeably accelerating.

For the time-being, we can recover. However, costly attempts to rebuild infrastructure will eventually prove pointless as it is torn down repeatedly.

Even if you don't live in a flood-prone area, this affects you. Flooded crops decimate food production. Money spent on repairing infrastructure means less money for healthcare. Desperate populations who have lost everything will seek new places to live. This affects us all.

(Videos might take a few seconds to load)





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